

岩花 倫生 (いわはな みちお)

岩花 倫生




キーワード 動物薬理学、動物臨床検査学、代謝生理、受療行動
専門分野 動物臨床検査学、動物薬理学

ネコ・イヌ・エキゾチックアニマル その他

  • 各種動物の薬物動態関する研究
  • 動物の代謝生理に関する研究
  • 各種動物における医薬品の適応に関する研究
  • 飼い主の受療行動に関する研究
担当科目 動物薬理学、動物臨床検査学、生化学、動物臨床検査学実習
研究室番号 16-13
  • 1999年 3月 博士(獣医学) 岐阜大学 連合獣医学研究科
  • 獣医師
  • 1985年 3月 日本大学 農獣医学部(現生物資源科学部)獣医学科 卒業
  • 1987年 3月 日本大学大学院 獣医学研究科 博士前期課程 修了
  • 1999年 3月 岐阜大学大学院 連合獣医学研究科 修了
  • 岩花倫生, 岡村由紀子, 梶原敬太, 片倉伸一, 嶋崎杏奈, 益本沙織, 宮本美穂, 和田大樹, 2022, , 用語集, 動物薬関連知識(教育研修マニュアル第13版), 日本動物用医薬品協会, 268-292
  • 岩花倫生, 田中紀子, 明戸 均, 他48名, 1994, 3 背部皮下法による血管新生測定法, がんの浸潤・転移研究マニュアル, 金芳堂, 172-176
  • Iwahana M, Tsukada Y, Tsukamoto A, 2022, Evidence of Lokivetmab -Antibody Drug for the Treatment of Canine Atopic Dermatitis, Journal of Animal Clinical Medicine, 31(1), 25-29
  • Itoh S, Yamazaki J, Iwahana M, Tsukamoto A, 2021, Olsalazine inhibits cell proliferation and DNA methylation in canine lymphoid tumor cell lines, Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 24(4), 515-523
  • Matsumoto S, Bae D, Uemura R, Misawa N, Ishii K, Hashiguchi Y, Iwahana M, Fujiwara S, Nishifuji K, 2021, Antimicrobial susceptibility of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius isolated from the cutaneous bacterial infections in dogs to cefovecin sodium (Convenia®), Japan, 2008–2018, The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Dermatology, 27(2), 85–88
  • Iwahana M, Tsukamoto A, 2020, Journal of Experimental Animal Technology, 2020, Perioperative pain management for dogs, 55(2), 57-62
  • Matsuu A, Yabuki M, Aoki E, Iwahana M, 2020, Molecular detection of canine respiratory pathogens between 2017 and 2018 in Japan, The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 82(6), 690-694
  • Iwahana M, Utsumi K, Okumura T, Horiuchi D, Shinichi T, 2014, Influence of the One Day-Age administration of the inactivated M. hyopneumoniae vaccine on the body weight of suckling piglet with the common invasive husbandry procedures, The Japanese Journal of Swine Science, 51(4), 204-206
  • Takeda Y, Uoto K, Iwahana M, Jimbo T, Nagata M, Atsumi R, Ono C, Tanaka N, Terasawa H, Soga T, 2004, New highly active taxoids from 9 beta-dihydrobaccatin-9,10-acetals. Part 5, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 14(12), 3209-3215
  • Takeda Y, Uoto K, Chiba J, Horiuchi T, Iwahana M, Atsumi R, Ono C, Terasawa H, Soga T, 2003, New highly active taxoids from 9beta-dihydrobaccatin-9,10-acetals. Part 4, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 11(20), 4431-4447
  • Yamamoto K, Iwahana M, Kumazawa E, Kakihata K, Abe K, Hirano F, Tohgo A, Hoshiai H, Noda K, 2003, Antitumor activity of new combination chemotherapy with irinotecan hydrochloride and nedaplatin against human cervical cancer cell lines, Oncology Reports, 10(3), 593-598
  • Takeda Y, Yoshino T, Uoto K, Chiba J, Ishiyama T, Iwahana M, Jimbo T, Tanaka N, Terasawa H, Soga T, 2003, New highly active taxoids from 9beta-dihydrobaccatin-9,10-acetals. Part 3, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 13(2), 185-19
  • Iimura S, Uoto K, Ohsuki S, Chiba J, Yoshino T, Iwahana M, Jimbo T, Terasawa H, Soga T, 2001, Orally active docetaxel analogue: synthesis of 10-deoxy-10-C-morpholinoethyl docetaxel analogues, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 11(3), 407-410
  • Ishii M, Iwahana M, Mitsui I, Minami M, Imagawa S, Tohgo A, Ejima A, 2000, Growth inhibitory effect of a new camptothecin analog, DX-8951f, on various drug-resistant sublines including BCRP-mediated camptothecin derivative-resistant variants derived from the human lung cancer cell line PC-6, Anticancer Drugs, 11(5), 353-362
  • Iwahana M, Ochi Y, Ejima A, 2000, Antiproliferative activity and mechanism of action of DZ-3358, a novel pyrimidinyl pyrazole derivative, Anticancer Research, 20(2A), 785-792
  • Naito H, Sugimori M, Mitsui I, Nakamura Y, Iwahana M, Ishii M, Hirotani K, Kumazawa E, Ejima A, 1999, Synthesis and antitumor activity of novel pyrimidinyl pyrazole derivatives, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin(Tokyo), 47(12), 1679-1684
  • Aonuma M, Iwahana M, Nakayama Y, Hirotani K, Hattori C, Murakami K, Shibuya M, Tanaka NG, 1998, Tumorigenecity depends on angiogenic potential of tumor cells: dominant role of vascular endothelial growtn factor and/or fibroblast growth factors produced by tumor cells, Angiogenesis, 2(1), 57-66
  • Iwahana M, Utoguchi N, Mayumi T, Goryo M, Okada K, 1998, Drug resistance and P-glycoprotein expression in endothelial cells of newly formed capillaries induced by tumors, Anticancer Research, 18(4C), 2977-2980
  • Abe F, Hirokawa M, Yamauchi T, Honda K, Hayashi N, Ishii M, Imagawa S, Iwahana M, 1998, Further investigation of phenanthroindolizidine alkaloids from Tylophora tanakae, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 46(5), 767-769
  • Abe F, Iwase Y, Yamauchi T, Kinjo K, Yaga S, Ishii M, Iwahana M, 1998, Minor daphnane-type diterpenoids from Wikstroemia retusa, Phytochemistry 47(5), 833-837
  • Iwahana M, Nakayama Y, Tanaka NG, Goryo M, Okada K, 1996, Quantification of tumour-induced angiogenesis by image analysis, International Journal of Experimental Pathology, 77(3), 109-114,
  • Nakayama Y, Iwahana M, Sakamoto N, Tanaka NG, Osada Y, 1993, Inhibitory effects of a bacteria-derived sulfated polysaccharide against basic fibroblast growth factor-induced endothelial cell growth and chemotaxis, Journal of Cellular Physiology, 154(1), 1-6
  • Iwahana M, Tohgo A, Tanaka NG, Osada Y, 1991, Quantification of experimental pulmonary metastases by image analyzer, In Vivo, 5(4), 323-328
  • Sakamoto N, Iwahana M, Tanaka NG, Osada Y, 1991, Inhibition of angiogenesis and tumor growth by a synthetic laminin peptide, CDPGYIGSR-NH2, Cancer Research, 51(3), 903-906
  • 岩花 倫生, 月瀬 東, 木村 順平, 1988, ニホンカモシカ頚椎の計測形態学的研究, 日本大學農獸医學部學術研究報告, 45, 288-293
  • 岩花 倫生, 月瀬 東, 浦谷 尚子, 大久保 準子, 長尾 壮七, 岡野正臣, 1986, ニホンカモシカの骨盤部に分布する主要血管系, 日本大學農獸医學部學術研究報告, 43, 243-248
  • 動物臨床医学会
  • 東京都獣医師会
  • 岩花倫生, 2019, 新規磯オキサゾリン系駆虫薬について, 第25回日本野生動物医学会
  • 岩花倫生・内海恭太 ・奥村 融 ・堀内大助・田中伸一, 2014, 単回投与型マイコプラズマ・ハイオニューモニエ感染症(油性アジュバント加)不活化ワクチンの 1 日齢投与と新生子豚処置の同時実施が離乳時体重に及ぼす影響, 第101回日本養豚学会大会
  • 岩花 倫生, 2013, 免疫学的去勢製剤インプロバックの概要と国内大規模養豚場における使用事例, 第98回日本養豚学会大会
  • Iwahana M, 1999, Anti-proliferative effects of DX-8951f (exatecan mesylate) in combination with 5-fluoro-uracil, cisplatin, or gemcitabine on human pancreatic cancer cell lines, The 10th conference on DNA Topoisomerases in Therapy (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
  • Iwahana M, 1998, Quantification of tumor-induced angiogenesis and drug resistance of newly formed capillaries, The 4th International Symposium on Predictive Oncology & Therapy (Nice, France)
  • Iwahana M, 1997, Drug resistance of endothelial cell in tumor treated with cancer chemotherapy drugs and P-glycoprotein expression, The 124th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Veterinary Science (Kagoshima)
  • Iwahana M, 1992, Inhibition of Meth A fibrosarcoma-induced vascular endothelial cell growth in tumor masses in situ by an antiangiogenic polysaccharide from Arthrobacter species, The 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (San Diego, USA)
  • Iwahana M, 1992, Angiogenic activity of murine Sarcoma 180, The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pathology (Sendai)
  • Iwahana M, 1989, Quantification of lung-metastases by an image analyzer, The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pathology (Kyoto)
  • Iwahana M, 1984, Morphometrical study on the cervical vertebrae of the Japanese Serow, The 113th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Veterinary Science (Kagoshima)
  • 岩花倫生・内海恭太・奥村 融・堀内大助・田中伸一, 2014, 単回投与型マイコプラズマ・ハイオニューモニエ感染症(油性アジュバント加)不活化ワクチンの 1 日齢投与と新生子豚処置の同時実施が離乳時体重に及ぼす影響第, 101回日本養豚学会大会
  • 岩花 倫生, 2013, 免疫学的去勢製剤インプロバックの概要と国内大規模養豚場における使用事例, 第98回日本養豚学会大会
  • Iwahana M, 1997, Drug resistance of endothelial cell in tumor treated with cancer chemotherapy drugs and P-glycoprotein expression, The 124th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Veterinary Science (Kagoshima)
  • Iwahana M, 1992, Angiogenic activity of murine Sarcoma 180, The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pathology (Sendai)
  • Iwahana M, 1989, Quantification of lung-metastases by an image analyzer, The 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pathology (Kyoto)
  • Iwahana M, 1984, Morphometrical study on the cervical vertebrae of the Japanese Serow, The 113th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Veterinary Science (Kagoshima)
  • Iwahana M, 1999, Anti-proliferative effects of DX-8951f (exatecan mesylate) in combination with 5-fluoro-uracil, cisplatin, or gemcitabine on human pancreatic cancer cell lines, The 10th conference on DNA Topoisomerases in Therapy (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
  • Iwahana M, 1998, Quantification of tumor-induced angiogenesis and drug resistance of newly formed capillaries, The 4th International Symposium on Predictive Oncology & Therapy (Nice, France)
  • Iwahana M, 1992, Inhibition of Meth A fibrosarcoma-induced vascular endothelial cell growth in tumor masses in situ by an antiangiogenic polysaccharide from Arthrobacter species, The 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (San Diego, USA)
  • 2016年 3月 FIVワクチンの必要性とその効果、第8回山口大学総合臨床セミナー
  • 動物のいたみ研究会(動物臨床医学会)
  • 日本ペットサミット(どうぶつ達と共に暮らす幸せな社会をつくる会)